Charon Exkadi meets STJ - Sohn des Windes

House meets Rock!

With „Sohn Des Windes” STJ shows again his wide experience in different music production and comes up with a rockin´ house tune called “SOHN DES WINDES” together with the well-known German gothic rock singer Charon Exkadi, who is famous for his dark and diversified music style including Gothic, RnB, Hip Hop and Electro.

The Original song “Sohn Des Windes” was produced in 2007 and is based on a dark legend out of the Greece mythology. Now “Sohn Des Windes” is back as a special and rockin´ house tune with terrific remix package including remixes by the German Love-Parade DJ RobDee, Nesko and EmptyRoom.

Eintrag vom: 13.02.2014